Rugby 2001 Hints and Tips

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Need help from anything from creating your own team  to game play hints? Here is the place to find it.

Game play Hints

  1. Get a key formation that suits you, my one is quite different from the original.

  2. Hold back and dig in to stop the opposition driving forward. If you can't drive forward, but can keep the ruck stationary, you will receive  the feed for the scrum if you took the ball into the ruck.

  3. Cut back on angles.

  4. Get the ball out of the maul before 5 seconds is up, no matter what - it is a glitch.

  5. Do not press any button and your fullback will call a mark, if you try and control him he will not.


How to use the NPC teams and kits in the game

  1. Copy the .dat files (eg south_africa.dat) into the folder "...\EA SPORTS\Rugby 2001\data\teams" and "...\EA SPORTS\Rugby 2001\data\user_teams".

  2. Rename the kits as player (extension should already be .tga).

  3. Copy these across to the appropriate folders, making sure the team's folder you copy it to matches the team that the .dat file replaced. So if you wanted to get Canterbury you would rename canterbury.tga as player.tga, then cut and copy it to "...\EA SPORTS\Rugby 2001\game\data\textures\player_textures\south_africa\away", then "...south_africa\home" and the rest of the folders in the south_africa folder. The reason that you copied it into the South African folder is because the Canterbury team file is south_africa.dat.


D.I.Y. Creating your own team.

  1. Download the Rugby 2001 editor from here.

  2. Follow the instructions in the player editor Read Me to create your own team. Note: The actual editor you use in the folder JavaSoft\JRE\1.1\bin.

  3. Create your own kit This requires MS Paint, and another program like Paint Shop Pro or something similar that allows you to use layers.

  4. Save this file:

  5. Use a simple program such as MS Paint to add your design to this. eg If I wanted a red stripe covering half the jersey, I would get a square tool from Paint, cover half of a grid square from above with it. This would have to be reflected on the dirty side, otherwise it will change colour when it gets dirty. Then if I wanted blue shorts, I would cover the bottom left four squares with blue, as well as the square below 15. Again this must be reflected on the dirty side. If I wanted yellow socks, I would cover the two blue squares in yellow (reflect on opposite side).

  6. Now the tricky bit. Cut and copy what you have from MS Paint into a program that can deal with layers. Get a new template file open (like the one above). Copy this as a new layer onto the MS Paint file. Go to layer properties, and blend it by multiplying (this is an option in Paint Shop Pro).

  7. Save as player.tga in the folder of the team you want to replace. eg EA SPORTS\Rugby 2001\game\data\textures\player_textures\england\home.

  8. You now have a new team and kit.

D.I.Y. Other

If you would like to know how to create your own rugby ball or ad boards for Rugby 2001, please email me and I will put a new D.I.Y. guide up. Also email me if the guide above is not clear enough.